On 1 and 2 February students from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Voronezh took part in Shukhov Lab Winter School ‘Face recognition in the city’. Within two days participants with Architecture, Urban Informatics, Sociology and Social Informatics, Soil Science, Political Science and Economics backgrounds created face recognition spoofing tool.
Tag "discussions"
On October 21 in Skolkovo, within the framework of the Open Innovations forum, Vicente Guallart took part in a panel discussion on the topic ‘Technologies as a brand. How does a city become a superstar?’
Chief Architect of Barcelona, Head of Guallart Architects and founder of the world famous Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Vicente Guallart has been a major attraction in the Adaptive Cities cycle of seminars (June to August 2015) organised by the Graduate School of Urban Studies and Planning and the Strelka Institute. Guallart gave two lectures and took part in a round table discussion at the end of June and beginning of July.