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HSE to Participate in Moscow Urban Forum

The Moscow Urban Forum will take place from July 17 to 22 at Zaryadye Park. This year’s topic is ‘Megacity of the Future: New Space for Living’. HSE representatives will participate in the forum’s expert discussions.

Murmansk: urban field trip

This August, the Shukhov Lab is organising an expedition to Murmansk as a part of the long-term research project ‘New cities and settlements in the North of Russia’


Shukhov Lab of HSE Graduate School of Urbanism in collaboration with IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia) and Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design is getting ready for the Global Summer School 2018 in Moscow!

Prototyping future energy: collaboration between Shukhov Lab and Phi team

Still from the promotional video for PHI
Creative Industries Fund NL has provided a grant for collaborative research by a joint Dutch-Russian team

Project by Shukhov Lab Wins Polytech Festival Open Call

Project by Shukhov Lab Wins Polytech Festival Open Call
The ‘Green Spark’ installation by Elena Mitrofanova and Ivan Mitrofanov, project coordinators of the Shukhov Lab, and Paolo Bombelli from Cambridge University, has been selected from 68 projects to be exhibited as part of the Polytech Festival of Science, Art and Technology in May 2018. The festival, organized by the Polytechnic Museum, will take place in Moscow’s Gorky Park.

How does prototyping change the way we investigate, plan and build the city?

How does prototyping change the way we investigate, plan and build the city?
Vicente Guallart talks about prototyping, smart technologies and cities of the future.

Students from Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) visited Shukhov Lab

Students from Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) visited Shukhov Lab
Students from Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) and HSE Graduate School of Urbanism met at Shukhov Lab

Winners of the First International Competition ‘Cities for a Flying World’ Announced

HSE Graduate School of Urbanism has announced the results of the first international contest for students and young professionals ‘Cities For a Flying World’. The contest took place from May 29 to  November 7, 2017 and was a part of the admission campaign for the new Master’s programme of the HSE Graduate School of Urbanism ‘Prototyping Future Cities’. 

GSU Laboratory for Experimental Urban Design in Ekaterinburg

GSU Laboratory for Experimental Urban Design in Ekaterinburg
Today and tomorrow Vicente Guallart and Nadia Khort, members of the Laboratory for Experimental Urban Design will speak at the International 100+ Forum Russia of High and special construction in Ekaterinburg.

Shukhov Lab of the HSE Graduate School of Urbanism carried out the workshop of Mtkvari river regeneration in Tbilisi

Shukhov Lab of the HSE Graduate School of Urbanism carried out the workshop of Mtkvari river regeneration in Tbilisi
HSE Graduate School of Urbanism and RED Foundation carried out in Tbilisi the workshop ‘The river: barrier or connection’ dedicated to the regeneration of the embankments of Mtkvari river.